Belong & Become

“You know that the rulers of this world lord it over people, and officials flaunt their authority over those under them.  But among you it will be different.  Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first among you must be the slave to everyone else.  For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.” - Mark 10:42-45 

God's Kingdom – Now and coming

The Gospel is ultimately about Christ healing humanity and creation for life with God. Through the Holy Spirit, we learn to live like Jesus.  We learn to worship God with all of our lives and to participate with him in actively loving others.  This is the Kingdom Life, and this is how Christ's Church loves our community and the world.  "We" is the foundation of the Church, as "we" have been united with Jesus and for his mission: to keep growing in our faith, to care for others in humility, and to share why Christ is our merciful Lord.  Christianity is a beautiful witness when others see mercy, justice, confession, authenticity, friendship, servanthood, and devotion to God.  Any good others see or experience is not our doing but God revealing himself, and we believe that one day all of heaven and earth will be perfectly restored under his reign.    


We desire to passionately and humbly live for God, to build relationships of genuine trust, hope, and compassion with others, regardless of background, gender, ethnicity, ideology, or socio-economics.  In wrestling with these convictions and in striving to live through God's goodness, we believe that he will continue to change us for his purposes and bring healing to others.

Church Family

We practice church family in a variety of ways, and we feel that Christ has given us several venues for Kingdom life and relationships.  We gather on Sunday mornings for collective worship, to hear God's Scriptures, and to participate in Communion [the Lord's Supper].  In order to deepen relationships and grow in faith, Small Groups and age-appropriate classes are offered throughout the week and across Lubbock.  Also, because we believe that Christ's Church was created for God's Mission, we are regularly seeking opportunities to serve others and to contribute to the good of our city.

Spiritual Formation

Because we tend to seek control and our own good over others, a life of intimacy with God and care for others does not come easily.  We need shared experiences of worship, places to build safe relationships, and opportunities to practice loving others like Christ.  Our hearts need continuous encouragement and opportunities to invest in God's overall good.  We need a purpose bigger than ourselves that engages people committed and not committed to God.


Thank you for looking into our church, and we earnestly pray that God gifts you with  direction, peace, and a family of Christians for Kingdom Life.  We would love to be that for you, and we invite you to join us at any time.  Please, look around the website, check out our ministries, watch a message, and contact us with any questions. We are glad you are here.

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